Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Is this my Lake Wobegon? No primates there. It'd be more like, The "Old Divide" Gorge, where we meet at the watering hole to catch up on our tales of life on the Savannah. And the "Old Divide?" For me, it is how much should I reveal, and for who's benefit am I revealing it. To those who know me, I'm mostly an open book (I'm rationalizing), and I'm not very good at keeping feelings close to the vest. My Poker Face is almost non-existent. Maybe that's why I never played Poker, or had an interest in card games. Another piece is, I don't want to seem like I'm bragging if I should get laid - not that it's going to happen like magic, because in my experience with on-line dating (dating, in general), and the way men versus women usually feel about casual sex, it just doesn't happen serendipitously.  Also, if I include dialogue that is a bit racy, it's done to keep a certain verisimilitude. I want you to experience my experience as close to reality as possible, like it was an aural/oral documentary.  Yes, like all boys, I've done my share of ass/back slapping with the guys, but this is not what I want here. I want to share my experiences with you so that the world is not such a lonely place. Besides, connection feels good. You feel.. connected. So, therefore, maybe I just answered my own question about honestly revealing and stating my feelings. Yes, I promise to tell my truth in spite of my guilt-riddled Catholic background because to my mine own self, I must be true...

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to your posts Monkkey. Sex is a natural act but dating and getting laid always strike me as having such intricate thought processes whine them; ones that are different for men and women. I would love to read your experiences. Yes, it is worth doing. Be candid, honest and reflective, it is what makes a great blog. I've always gained so much simply from making sense of things by reflecting and writing.

    Robyn-Jane xox
