Monday, March 23, 2015

Never that way again

Woman: So why don’t you make music for a living?

Man: There’s no money in it.

Woman: You have talent
Man: Lots of people have talent. Did I pass the audition?

Woman: Yes, you passed.

Man: So where are we going?

Woman: You made it to the next level, but the game’s not over. 

Man: So what do I have to do now – set myself on fire and sing the Star Spangled Banner?

Woman: Was there a time you dreamed of being a professional musician?

Man: Of course, but as a song writer. There are two types of people in music – musicians and song writers. I’ve always considered myself more of a song writer.

Woman: Did you write that song for her?

Man: I did, and it was one of the purest things I ever wrote. It might be the purest, and I had no idea what I was doing. It just came. I was all of sixteen. Maybe that’s what kept me writing – I kept hoping something like that would come again. 

Woman: Did it?

Man: Technically, I wrote better ones, but never with the same ease and under the same circumstances. I captured lightning in a bottle, and I doubt if I ever will again.

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